4 Agricultural Practices To Encourage Sustainability For Life


Everyone relies on the earth for sustenance, whether they realize it or not. The earth is the source of the water, food, and fresh air that humans need to thrive. Unfortunately, some aspects of modern life contribute to the destruction of the earth. Extensive use of plastics, unsound factory farming practices, and rampant pollution can harm the environment. Sustainable solutions are necessary. Ecological sustainability will ensure that everyone can access the resources that they need and future generations can enjoy the earth as well. Here are four agricultural practices you can adopt to create sustainability for life:

1. Reuse plastic containers

Plastic is a major source of pollution. Much of the plastic that people use ends up in the ocean, where it can harm animals and lead to the extinction of important fish species. Plastic is not biodegradable, which means that every piece of plastic that is produced will exist forever. You can cut down on plastic waste by reusing plastic containers as planters. The containers used to package yogurt, deli meats, and other common food items make excellent seed starters. Simply drill holes in the bottom of these containers to allow drainage.

2. Compost green waste

Every household produces green waste, which is a term for biodegradable waste made primarily of food scraps and plant waste. Green waste can be composted, which will encourage rapid decomposition. Compost makes an excellent, all-natural fertilizer that will nourish your plants without the need for harmful chemicals. Starting a compost heap is easy. Simply place a container in your backyard and begin placing your green waste inside. Turn your compost pile every few days to encourage even decomposition and avoid hot spots.

3. Take advantage of mulch

Mulch can be used as a natural weed-repellent. Mulch covers the ground, preventing weed seeds from accessing the sunlight they need to sprout. Mulch can also encourage water retention, which is important for sustainability in arid environments. Gardens covered in mulch can be watered less frequently. You can make your own mulch from fallen leaves and wood chips. Rather than raking your leaves, spread them over your garden as mulch, allowing them to decompose naturally to enrich your soil.

4. Plant intelligently

Intelligent planting can help you create a sustainable garden. Choose plants that have low water requirements. Plants that are native to your region will thrive better than many other plants. When you plan your garden according to the cycles of nature and the amount of sun, heat, and rain that is naturally available, you can increase your overall sustainability.


25 January 2021

The Future Depends on Agriculture

If there is one thing that is for certain, it's that we all need food to survive. Some of us might have yards large enough to produce some of our food, but we're so used to just going to the grocery store or market to satisfy our food needs. We depend on those in the agriculture industry to keep the shelves stocked, so we can fill our fridges. The more you know about the agricultural industry, the more you'll come to see its importance. From farming techniques to the crops best-suited to various climates, we dive right into agriculture on this website. Enjoy!